MRP – Mixed Rigid Plastic – is composed of bulky rigid plastics discarded by residents into the municipal waste stream. These include HDPE Buckets, Crates, Totes, Trays, Pet Carriers, Laundry Baskets and Lawn Furniture. This grade is also commonly known as “BRP – Bulky Rigid Plastic”.
MRP Components of this grade are often not part of a recycling program and not officially accepted however end up at the MRF anyway, forcing the sorting facilities to deal with them. Rather than pay to landfill this valuable resource, MRFs started baling it and selling it to companies like Scrap Management for sorting, washing, and grinding – a full cycle of recycling Mixed Rigid Plastic.
We buy mixed rigid plastic in Alabama
If you have accumulated mixed plastic scrap and it is not sorted, we will buy it from you at a good price. Let us know if you have any questions.